Also for custom logo golf items

Secure payments

Personal customer support
Company Name: M.G.S. b.v.
Felix Timmermansstraat, 10
B - 8301 Knokke–Heist
This is the official registered address of the company M.G.S. b.v. / Marcs-Golfshop. As we only trade through the internet, you will not find a shop or office at this address. A personal visit is therefore only possible after appointment.
Telephone: +32 (0)50 344617
Office hours between 09.00h and 18.00h. In case all our lines are busy or you get no answer, please leave your message and telephone number on our answering machine, we will call you back as soon as possible.
E-mail: info@marcs-golfshop.com
Send an e-mail to this address and we will reply to you the same day.
Register of legal entities (RPR): Chamber of Commerce Ghent, section Bruges - number 0473.641.003
VAT / Company Registration Number: BE 0473.641.003
Bank Accounts:
ING Bank Belgium
IBAN: BE11 3800 1432 4648
Rabobank Netherlands
IBAN: NL28 RABO 0147 8941 90